2025 Brunswick County Republican Party Convention Call
November 15, 2024
To: All Registered Republicans in Brunswick County
RE: 2025 Brunswick County Republican Party Convention Call
The Brunswick County Republican Party Convention is scheduled for March 15, 2025, at St James Community Center, 4136 Southport Supply Rd SE, St James, NC. The Convention Registration shall start at 9:00 a.m. and the Convention shall start at 11:00 a.m. In order to attend this Convention as a delegate, alternate, or guest (other than guests who have been invited to speak or have an assigned role in the Convention) you shall be a member of the Brunswick County Republican Party – meaning that you are Registered Republican in Brunswick County as of January 31, 2025. If you want to be a delegate with voting privileges, or alternate to this Brunswick County Republican Party Convention, you shall be elected at your Precinct’s annual meeting in February 2025. The following committees shall give their reports at this Convention:
Credentials Committee chaired by Janet Fenstermaker, [email protected]
Rules Committee chaired by Vince Musilli, [email protected]
Resolutions Committee chaired by David Smudski, [email protected]
Plan of Organization Committee chaired by Helen Pannullo, [email protected]
Nominating Committee chaired by Richard Leary, [email protected]
The Brunswick County Republican Party’s Plan of Organization is available on our website, Brunswick.NC.GOP.org, and it defines the responsibilities of each of the above committees. If you want to submit items to be considered by the above committees, you shall submit them to the appropriate committee chair via email by January 15, 2025. This allows the committee’s time to review the proposal(s) and determine which they shall include in their reports. Our Plan of Organization requires these committee reports to be posted on our website at least 30 days prior to the Convention, thus the deadline for these postings is February 12, 2025. Please note any resolutions submitted shall apply to a County-wide or higher-level issue.
The Brunswick County Delegates and Alternates to the 7th Congressional District Convention and the North Carolina Republican Party Convention shall be elected at this Brunswick County Republican Party Convention from the delegates at the county convention, and then the remaining delegate positions shall be elected from the delegates who were not able to attend the County Convention. There will be a $5.00 per person charge to register for the State Convention. This to cover the cost of Registering for the Convention.
Together, we will make a difference in 2025.
Bill Moore
Brunswick Republican Party
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